We need your help!
We are looking to build this Campaign in every area of Salford and at our meeting last Monday we decided that we would set up working groups that people could get involved in to make this happen. We want volunteers to help out. If you would like to help, please reply to this post or email us at
The groups we are planning to set up are:
A Rally For Libraries Following the recent protests in Ordsall and Cadishead against proposals to close libraries we want to hold a city-wide Rally for Libraries and we want your help. If this is a subject that is dear to you please ket us know.
A Rally for Youth ServicesProposed cuts will mean almost half of the funding for Connexions, which supports young people and their families with advice around education, employment and other personal issues is to be cut. We are also seeing big attacks on Salford's Youth Service. We believe this city deserves decent services for young people and if you want to help us organise an event to highlight this let us know.
May DayWe want to take May Day back! It is historically the day when working class people come together to celebrate past victories and discuss future challenges. Salford has not held a big May Day event for some time and this year we think we need one.
We are also looking to extend Salford Against the Cuts into all the areas of Salford. We already have a Broughton Against the Cuts and we are in the process of getting Ordsall Against the Cuts set up. We identified the following areas last week where we think we can start preparing new branches. They are:
- Winton- Irlam and Cadsihead- Irwell RiversideIf you want to help with this or live somewhere else and would like to see something happen in your area please let us know.
Thanks, Steve