Thursday, 14 April 2011

May Day Rally

2pm, Monday 2nd May
Bexley Square, Salford

May Day has been celebrated internationally by working people for over a hundred years. It is the day we celebrate the victories of the past and look forward to the challenges and opportunities of the future. Salford is currently facing massive cuts in jobs and services and the impact of these cuts will be devastating for our city. We want to mark this year's May Day - this year being the 80th Anniversary of "The Battle of Bexley Square" - with a rally to bring together Salfordians, to celebrate our city and our heritage and to stand resolutely against cuts to our jobs, services and communities.

Campaign Stalls and Union Banners Welcome

 For more info please phone Steve North, Secretary on 07817434240 or email

Tuesday, 12 April 2011

Broughton Against the Cuts
Save Broughton Rec Centre
Thursday 14th April, 6:30pm outside Broughton Rec, Camp Street, Broughton, Salford
 For more info please contact Paul Costello on 07787154131 or Steven North on 07817434240

Tuesday, 5 April 2011

Newsletter April 2011 (No. 0)

This is the first issue of a regular newsletter from Salford Against the Cuts. It was produced as a trial run, but the meeting on Monday night felt it would be useful to make it available. Please print out as many copies as you like to distribute to friends, at work, church or in the pub. If you click on each page you should then be able to print from your browser; right-click to save a copy.

The next issue will be printed in a reasonable quantity on 9th May for our next Organising meeting. You can get copies of it from us at the meeting or print it off from this website again. If you would like to submit anything for inclusion please send it to us at or Salford Against the Cuts, c/o Salford Unemployed Centre, Liverpool Road, Eccles.

Sunday, 3 April 2011

Save Broughton Rec Demo

Please check out this link to the Salford Star article on the Demo, Broughton Against the Cuts held last Thursday.
Thank you to everybody who came along and especially those who helped to build the Demo.
...And thanks as always to the Salford Star for the coverage.