Monday, 27 June 2011

Support the Unions on the 30th June - Support Salford Against the Cuts

Most of you will already be aware that teaching unions ATL and NUT, as well as Civil Service Union PCS and University and College Union UCU will be taking strike action on Thursday 30th June. Those unions will be striking not only against attacks on public sector pensions, but attacks on all public services. Salford Against the Cuts supports their action and is encouraging everybody to do the same.
There are two key ways you can do this:
1. Picket Lines
Visit your local school, college, university, court, tax office or job centre in the morning and say hello to those on the picket lines. Trade Unions are an important part of the anti-cuts movement and they have the strength to make the Government listen. The action they take on 30th June is for all of us fighting against cuts, whether they be to jobs or services. If you're not sure where to go maybe come down to Salford Magistrates Court where we know the Salford City UNISON banner will be between 8 and 9am.
2. Strike Rally
The main strike rally for Greater Manchester will begin at 11:30am at All Saints Park, Oxford Road, Manchester. There will be a march of the workers on strike and many supporters. After the march there will be a rally with various speakers. The bigger the march and rally the bigger the coverage in the papers and on the news. If you can make it along please do so.

For more information see the website.

Friday, 17 June 2011

SAC Supports Striking Workers

On 30th June, teachers and civil servants look set to strike against attacks on their pensions, job cuts and attacks on services. Salford Against the Cuts supports their action and is encouraging everybody opposed to cuts to stand with these workers.

What does defending pensions have to do with fighting cuts?

The media can present a narrow view of public sector workers striking to defend final salary pension schemes that most private sector workers no longer enjoy. The wider public might ask, why – when cuts to public services are taking place – are these workers disrupting the services they provide to defend something that only affects them?

This action is about more than pensions. It is about all attacks on working people and in our view there is nothing wrong with workers taking action to defend pensions as part of that struggle. One of the most important things we have had to fight for in the past was the right to a decent retirement and that is now under attack. The average pension to a civil servant last year was £7000 – compare that to the pension of Fred “The Shred” Goodwin who, after insisting that the tax-payer bail-out Royal Bank of Scotland retired on a pension of £342,500 a year.

Why support strike action?

The principle weapon working people have against attacks on our standards of living is our collective strength and, ultimately the ability to withdraw our labour. Everyday we go to work and our labour generates profits for private companies, or – in the case of the public sector – we ensure that vital services are made available to those who need them. When we stop working we remind the employer and the Government that they need us and therefore need to listen to us. We don’t do it lightly (workers don’t get paid when they’re on strike), but sometimes it’s the only thing that works.

Workers must stand with service users and community campaigners when services are threatened (whether or not those workers are threatened). Equally, we should all stand by workers who have been forced into striking to defend what they hold dear – the right to a decent retirement that is not plagued by poverty.

We encourage all supporters of SAC to get down to your local school or civil service picket line on the 30th. Striking is not much fun and the pickets will be glad to see you.

On the evening of the 30th, Salford Against the Cuts, along with Salford TUC will be holding a post-strike rally at Saffron Restaurant on Cheetham Hill Road, Manchester from 7pm. We will have speakers from the different unions and at 8pm we will be serving excellent Saffron food at a price of £8 for those who are unwaged, or have been striking that day and £15 for everybody else. After the meal after-dinner entertainment will be provided by Mississippi Soulman, Malcolm McBride –
All proceeds will be split between Salford Against the Cuts and Street Meet, a charity run by Saffron owner Adeeb, which provides food and support for homeless people in Manchester and Salford.
Hope to see you there.

Monday, 6 June 2011

NEWSLETTER June 2011 (No. 2)

Here is the second issue of our newsletter.  If you would like copies to distribute to friends, at work, church or in the pub call 07817434240, email or print copies yourself (click on each page and select Print...). If you would like to contribute something for next month's issue send before Monday 27th June by email or to 1 Lynwood Avenue, Eccles, M300UH.