Sunday, 8 July 2012

Public Meeting

What Future for Salford’s Schools?
7pm, Thursday 12th July
Swinton British Legion

Cheetham Road, Swinton, M27 4UQ

Education unions, UNISON, NUT and NASUWT are concerned about what is being proposed for schools in Salford. We are concerned that the Council’s “Local Academy” model is no good for Salford schools and we fear that it will mean the loss of democratic control over education in the city.

No to Privatisation

Tory Minister Michael Gove is bullying schools into becoming Academies. His advisers are keen on ‘for profit’ companies running our schools. It’s just like they are trying to do with our Health Service.

No to Tory control.

Academies are run by Trusts, appointed by Gove’s office. Elected Governing bodies are out. There would be no democratic accountability in an Academy.

No to Selection

Schools, currently, takes all pupils who live in the area, regardless of ability, need or background. An Academy will be pressured to increase selection ‘as if it were a grammar school’.

Yes to Community

Your schools are at the heart of the local community. We want to keep it that way! Going Academy would take money away for the LEA and local primary schools. Academies are run on commercial lines, not for community needs.

Yes to Inclusion & Yes to a Local

Our schools should remain inclusive to all pupils. Academies are set up to ‘compete for pupils in the wider education market.’ Every pupil deserves a local school.

UNISON, NUT and NASUWT which are affiliated to the Anti Academies alliance opposes this latest wave of Academies. For more info go to

We have sent an Invitation to the Mayor and all Councillors to attend.