Salford Anti Academy Alliance
Campaign Meeting 19th June
The meeting agreed to Launch Salford Anti-Academy Alliance (SAAA) involving parents, unions, councillors and community.
The following demands were agreed:
The Council oppose all forced academies and immediately notify unions and Salford AAA.
The Council should also oppose any converter academies such as Irlam & Cadishead College.
The Council should stop approaching schools to be part of Salford Academy Trust. Any further academisation is put on hold.
Council should have a veto over any decisions taken by the Salford
Academy Trust and Trade Unions be granted a full union recognition
agreement , in line with the TUC Model Agreement.
The Council to support a full community ballot over any school in Salford which wishes to become an Academy.
Agreed to organise a demonstration against Academies and lobby the Labour Group and full Council meeting in September.
Irlam & Cadishead College
on-going. The Head continues to lie to parents about the impact of
transfer to Academy status. Unions, parents and councillors have all
sent in letters opposing transfer. We await the date for the governors
meeting to decide whether or not to seek transfer.
Agreed to lobby Governors Meeting.
Buile Hill High School
unions met with the Head and chair of Governors and there are now no
immediate plans to become an Academy. The Head stated he was looking
towards September 2013.
Agreed to organise public meeting at Buile Hill Banqueting Suite on Thursday 13th September.
Agreed to invite speakers from Anti Academies Alliance.
Lobby the Labour Group
As agreed at the meeting. Lobby to take place at 5.30 pm Monday 17th September.
Suggested Next Meeting 5pm Thursday 6th September
Ameen Hadi
Salford City Unison
443/445 Chorley Road,
M27 9UQ
Tel No: 0161 794 7425
Mob: 07557 281 471