Mental health service users in Salford, faced with cuts to
drop-in and group sessions, have organised themselves into the United Service
Users Committee (USUC).
Over recent months they have mounted dozens of campaigns and
protests, with the backing of Salford against Cuts:
joint meetings with Manchester service users who also face cuts
Mayor Ian Stewart at the Food Fair
at councillors’ surgeries and bombarded them with emails
the Labour Party Conference and challenged Ed Miliband
the Council Chamber in November to demand a meeting with the Mayor
a protest at the HQ of the NHS Trust
to GPs throughout Salford
the full council in January
And lots more. And they
haven’t finished yet, they’ll stick at it till they win. Hats off to USUC, the campaigners who just
won’t go away.
Campaigners Rob and Vee were featured on the BBC’s Inside Out
North West, broadcast on Monday 21st January, still available on
i-player, starts 11 mins in.
To help or for more info phone Steve Cullen on 07941 400870