- One woman who is on benefits will have to find an extra £20 a week as she lives in a 3-bedroom house (allocated to her and her son years ago in an 'unpopular' area) and has two supposedly spare bedrooms since he left home
- another with two children (boy and girl) in separate bedrooms will have to find the extra money until they are both over ten!
- a tower block on the precinct consists of 2 bedroom flats. No-one has any kids (who can blame them for not wanting to bring up kids in a tower block?) and most are single. A whole tower block of bedroom tax payers! We hope to organise a meeting in that tower block in the next fortnight, and have plenty of other names and emails to follow up.
Next week (30th March) we petition in Little Hulton, nr. Morrisons, 11.00 - 1.00, another bedroom tax hotspot.
More details soon.