Thursday, 21 November 2013


We are developing our campaign to stop the transfer of vital, much-needed council housing stock to Salix Homes, where tenants would have less security and there would be no democratic control.  If you want to get involved come to our special meeting on the Salix transfer at 5.30 on Weds. 4th December at the White Swan, Worsley Road, Swinton.

Our regular monthly meeting will be on Monday 16th December at the same venue, 7.00 pm.

In between these meetings on Friday 6th December we have our fund-raising gig at the Crescent pub, from 7.00 onwards.  We have some great bands, rap acts and performance poets - Trojan Horse, The Moods, Class Actions, Markus de Rawkus and many others.  Come along, help us raise cash to campaign with and have a great night!